Despre Noi

Hermina Heart este numele unei initiative pornita din sufletul si mainile unor persoane iubitoare de frumos si traditional, al caror crez este ca frumusetea interioara si exterioara merg intotdeauna mana in mana. Misiunea Hermina Heart este popularizarea articolelor de vestimentatie traditionala din diverse zone ale tarii si constientizarea omului modern asupra minunatei lumi a portului popular. Toate produsele, fie ca vorbim de ii sau de costume populare, au fost create cu dragoste si din dorinta de a oferi mai departe o bucata de traditie. Pe langa articolele traditionale de port, veti gasi la noi si creatii originale ce imbina conventionalul cu modernitatea in camasute, coliere, bratari. Dar de orice articol vestimentar am vorbi este in mod sigur rezultatul a multe ore de pasiune si manufactura. Atunci cand veti purta produsele noastre puteti sa va mandriti ca sunteti in posesia unor lucruri unicat.


Hermina Heart is the name of an initiative started from the heart and hands of true admirers of beauty and traditional art, whose belief is that the inner and outer beauty always go hand in hand. Hermina Heart's mission is to popularize Romanian traditional clothing items from various parts of the country. All the products were created with love and desire to offer a piece of tradition further. In addition to the traditional items, you will find original creations that combine tradition with modernity in shirts, necklaces, bracelets. Every article is certainly the result of many hours of passion and craftsmanship. When you wear our items you can be proud that you are in possession of unique things.